The Eade Foundation
The Eade Foundation wants to enhance chess literacy and chess excellence. Chess literacy means the ability to read and write chess notation. Reading notation opens the vast world of chess literature to the reader. Writing notation allows you to preserve your games for later study and to receive advice and counsel from other more advanced players. Chess excellence advances the state of the art and inspires others to achieve excellence on their own.
The Foundation was established shortly after the death of Arthur Eade, who taught chess to James Eade. The Foundation gives a $1,000 donation in his name to the best essay to earn the “Arthur Award.”
The Eade Foundation will provide chess sets and boards to organizations that cannot otherwise afford them. It considers chess to be a social good. Introducing or expanding chess literacy and chess excellence will lead to incremental improvement in any society. The Eade Foundation has provided chess sets and boards to organizations throughout the world, from Uganda to Nicaragua.
If you are interested in supporting or contacting the Foundation please send an email to

Jim Eade
Chairman & CEO
James Eade is a past President of CalChess, the Northern California Chess Association, he Chess Journalists of America, and the U.S. Chess Trust, and a long-time delegate to the United States Chess Federation (USCF) from Northern California.
Honoree, Distinguished Worldwide Humanitarian Award (2022):
More About James Eade:
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