Dewain Barber joins us on "The Chess Files: The Answers are Out There" to tell us how and why he was named the Dean of Scholastic Chess in the United States. He tells us about the Denker tournament of High Scholl Champions and the Barber...
Interview with 2021 Chess Educator of the Year Jerald Times
The question is how do you become Chess Educator of the Year? We asked Jerald Times the 2021 winner of the award to tell us. Due to production problems, we could only share some of his wonderful advice later. Holland is not the Netherlands. Teach chess to the whole...
Chess4Solidarity Initiative Watch and play with us! Chess4Solidarity initiative, which aims to cultivate connection and solidarity between participants from Israel and the US and different countries around the world, especially during the troubled times of covid-19....
The Harold Winston I Knew
By Jim Eade Many people in and out of chess circles are mourning the passing of Harold Winston. I will tell you about the Harold Winston I knew, but here is a link to his obituary:...
Interview with Marty Grund of ICC
James Eade Interviews Marty Grund the President of the Internet Chess Club, and Brian Karen who talk about the early days of playing chess online. They had a huge role in broadcasting events in the early days of online chess matches and tournaments allowing viewers to...
Interview with GM Alex Yermolinsky, AKA The Yerminator
GM Alex Yermolinsky, AKA The Yerminator, joins the "Chess Files: The Answers are Out There" to tell us what he thinks we can learn from the great Tata Steel tournament, and what we should not think we've learned. He talks about what makes a good chess commentator and...
Does Chess Have Problems? Interview with Carsten Hansen, chess author and chess problem creator.
Jim Talks with Evan Rabin of Premier Chess in NYC
Can Girls Become Grandmasters? Jim Interviews Kimberly Doo and Sophia Rohde